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Playwrights Horizons Demographic Survey (as of December 2021)

Our theater has embarked on a big, ongoing project to better understand how members of our community self-identify. We're doing this for two reasons:

1. Accountability. As we continue the work of diversifying our theater, we are collecting this information from our artists, staff, board, faculty, vendors, and volunteers so that we can see and share how our community changes over time. This form is an integral tool for us to measure the progress we're making towards becoming more inclusive and accessible. The organization's Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Working Group (EDIWG) will publish a public summary of these results annually.

2. Funding. We rely on institutional funders to support our work. Demographic data helps us craft honest grant applications, particularly for funders who ask us about the composition of our community. If you’d like to learn more about our funders and how we communicate this data, we’re happy to share that information with you.

The data collected is 100% anonymous and only shared in aggregate (i.e. with no personal identifying information).

As you fill out the form, if you discover that you have any questions about the nature of your involvement, or which corresponding box to check, please don't hesitate to reach out to the staff member who shared this with you. Throughout the form, you may select multiple answers, write in your own answer, or decline to answer.

Lastly, you can read more about our commitments to anti-racism on our website here: phnyc.org/about/commitments-anti-racism.

Thank you so much for participating in this project!

Please select all the ways you were involved with Playwrights Horizons*: 
◻ Artist
◻ Board
◻ Fellow
◻ Full-Time Staff
◻ Generation PH Leadership Committee
◻ Part-Time Staff
◻ Playwrights Horizons Theater School Faculty
◻ Vendor
◻ Volunteer
◻ I prefer not to say
◻ Other: _______________________________

If you selected “Artist” in the first question, what kind of project(s) did you participate in?*: 
◻ This question does not apply to me (I was not involved as an artist)
◻ Almanac (contributed to the Playwrights literary magazine)
◻ Commission (received a commission from Playwrights to write a play/musical)
◻ Lighthouse (participated in the Public Art Series, a Lighthouse Talk panel conversation, another special project, etc.)
◻ New Play Development (participated in a developmental reading or work on a new play/musical/audio play, etc.)
◻ Perspectives On Playwriting (taught a digital Master Class, etc.)
◻ Season Production (participated in a theatrical production at Playwrights in the most recent season)
◻ Soundstage (participated in a Soundstage production at Playwrights in the most recent season)
◻ I prefer not to say
◻ Other: _______________________________

If you selected "Artist" in the first question, what role did you play in the project, or what is your profession?*:
◻ This question does not apply to me (I was not involved as an artist)
◻ Actor
◻ Choreographer
◻ Designer
◻ Dialect Coach
◻ Director
◻ Dramaturg
◻ Fight Director
◻ Intimacy Coordinator
◻ Music Director
◻ Musician
◻ Playwright/Composer
◻ Stage Manager
◻ I prefer not to say
◻ Other: _______________________________

If you selected "Full-Time Staff" in the first question, please indicate the nature of your role at the organization.*
◻ This question does not apply to me (I am not a full-time staff member at Playwrights Horizons)
◻ Executive Leadership (Managing Director, Artistic Director, General Manager)
◻ Department Head (Controller, Director of Development, Casting Director, etc.)
◻ All other full-time staff roles
◻ I prefer not to say

I am:
◻ Younger than 18 years old
◻ 18-24 years old
◻ 25-34 years old
◻ 35-49 years old
◻ 50-64 years old
◻ 65+ years old
◻ I prefer not to say

I identify as (check all that apply):
◻ African
◻ African Diaspora, Black, and/or African American 
◻ East Asian, Southeast Asian, Pacific Islander, and/or of this descent
◻ Hispanic, Latino/a/x, and/or of this descent
◻ Indigenous
◻ Middle Eastern, North African, South Asian, and/or of this descent
◻ White
◻ I prefer not to say
◻ Other: _______________________________

I identify as a person with a cognitive, physical, sensory, and/or social/emotional disability (check all that apply):
◻ Yes
◻ No
◻ I prefer not to say
◻ Other: _______________________________

I identify as (check all that apply):
◻ Asexual
◻ Bisexual
◻ Gay
◻ Lesbian
◻ Queer
◻ Questioning
◻ Straight
◻ I prefer not to say
◻ Other: _______________________________

I identify as (check all that apply):
◻ Female
◻ Hijra
◻ Male
◻ Non-Binary, Genderqueer, and/or Gender Fluid
◻ Two Spirit
◻ I prefer not to say
◻ Other: _______________________________

I identify as transgender (check all that apply):
◻ Yes
◻ No
◻ I prefer not to say
◻ Other: _______________________________

I identify in other ways not listed on this form (i.e. citizenship, religious community, etc.):
◻ _____________________________________________