Thomas Babe


Thomas Babe was an American playwright and director. Babe started writing from an early age, but did not decide to pursue theatre until recieving other degrees from Harvard College, Cambridge University, and Yale University Law School. Babe became a resident playwright at the Public Theatre, which produced seven of his plays: Kid Champion, Rebel Women, Fathers and Sons, Taken in Marriage, Salt Lake City Skyline and Buried inside Extra. Two of hisplays, Mojo Candy and Great Solo Town were produced at the Yale Cabaret. His other plays that have recieved regional theatre productions include Planet Fires, Demon Wine, and Great Day in the Morning. He has recieved Broadway and Off-Broadway productions at the Theatre for the New City and the Winter Garden Theatre. Babe's directing credits includeTwo Small Bodies, Operation Midnight Climax, Sleeping Dogs, Justice and Life and Limb.

Babe passed away in 2000 from lung cancer. 


Appears in
Life and Limb
Two Small Bodies