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Book and Music by Anna K. Jacobs
Book and Lyrics by Michael R. Jackson
Choreographed by Raja Feather Kelly
Directed by Sarah Benson
Based on the screenplay TEETH by Mitchell Lichtenstein
Dawn O’Keefe is an evangelical Christian teen with a powerful secret not even she understands – when men violate her, her body bites back. Literally. TEETH, based on the cult classic film of the same name, is a fierce, rapturous, and savagely entertaining new musical crackling with irrepressible desire and ancient rage.
Starring Courtney Bassett, Phoenix Best, Will Connolly, Jason Gotay, Jenna Rose Husli, Jared Loftin, Alyse Alan Louis, Steven Pasquale, Lexi Rhoades, Wren Rivera, and Helen J Shen.
Presented by special arrangement with Mark Gordon Pictures and LD Entertainment.
TEETH has received generous support from The Frederick Loewe Foundation and The Rea Charitable Trust.
Playwrights Horizons' season productions are generously supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council.