
"The MS Phoenix Rising"

About the Podcast

In six short weeks the MS Phoenix Rising sets sail, marking the relaunch of the cruise ship industry after a prolonged shutdown. Urgent, budget-driven planning makes for a tense front office at Dane Cruising while the staff races to secure its place in history with a reckless social media campaign. Whose idea was it again to hype the “Christopher Columbus Route” through The Bahamas? Whatever. Tuck in as the team finds themselves in uncharted waters by deciding to revolutionize the concept of on-board entertainment by premiering an avant-garde theater production of Ionesco’s The Chairs.

Episode List

Episode 1  We Need a Show

Episode 2  Timid and Aggressive

Episode 3  Yes, Ted.

Episode 4  Herd Enlightenment

Episode 5  Après moi, le déluge

Episode 6  The Welcome Aboard Show

Please enjoy with headphones for the full audio experience. If you are Deaf or hard of hearing, please email us to request access to episode scripts.